Essentials Food Sensitivity Test

This test evaluates your reactivity to 400 common food and non-food items, helping to identify the sources of your sensitivity symptoms.
$40.00 $100.00
  • Feature Icon Hair sample
  • Feature Icon At Home Test
  • Feature Icon 400 key food & drink items tested
  • Feature Icon Results in 3 business days from sample receipt at lab

Understand Your Sensitivities for Better Health

Sensitivities to various substances can disrupt daily life with symptoms like:

  • Digestive discomfort
  • Skin irritations
  • Headaches
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Joint aches

Unlike immediate allergies, sensitivities develop over time due to diet, environment, and lifestyle factors.

Our Essentials Sensitivity Test analyzes your body's response to 400 different food and non-food items, helping you identify triggers. By knowing what provokes symptoms, you can make informed choices to potentially reduce discomfort and enhance your overall health.

What's tested

We analyse your sensitivity reactions to 400 items using a hair strand sample.

✔️ Food & Drink
✔️ Heavy Metals
✔️ Vitamin A-K
✔️ Environmental Sensitivity
✔️ Minerals
✔️ Additives

We test the reactivity levels for 400 items using a hair strand sample. Each item is then classified into one of three reactivity levels:

High Reactivity / Outside Range
These items are most likely to cause sensitivity. They may be contributing to physical symptoms, we recommend a structured elimination diet, followed by gradual reintroduction for these items.

Moderate Reactivity
These items might cause sensitivity. Having multiple moderate reactivity items in one meal might cause symptoms due to their cumulative effect. We recommend after prioritising the high reactivity item elimination diet that you then follow a structured elimination diet, followed by gradual reintroduction to these items also.

No Reactivity / Within Range
These items are safe and fall within the optimal range.

    • We test for the following items

      Oils and Condiments

      • Barbecue sauce
      • Tomato ketchup
      • Vegetable oil
      • Almond oil
      • Olive oil
      • Sesame oil
      • Oyster sauce
      • Peppermint oil
      • Coconut oil

      Dairy and Egg

      • Egg
      • Milk from cows
      • Condensed milk
      • Evaporated milk
      • Sour cream
      • Yogurt
      • Ice cream


      • Goose
      • Mutton
      • Venison
      • Chicken
      • Liver-ox
      • Liver-pig
      • Horse
      • Beef
      • Roe-deer
      • Pork
      • Turkey-cock
      • Kangaroo
      • Crocodile

      Seafood and Fish

      • Eel
      • Whitefish
      • Trout-brown
      • Shrimp
      • Herring-red
      • Lobster
      • Mackerel
      • Mussels-general
      • Sardine
      • Plaice
      • Sole
      • Clams
      • Anchovy
      • Crab
      • Shark
      • Barramundi


      • Cheddar
      • Stilton
      • Parmesan
      • Gruyere
      • Halloumi
      • Edam

      Cereals and Grains


      • Barley
      • Freekeh
      • Rye
      • Oats
      • Noodles-wheat
      • Farro
      • Bread-brown
      • Bread-white


      • Oats-gluten-free
      • Taco shells-corn
      • Chickpea flour
      • Garbanzo flour
      • Soya flour
      • Rice-white
      • Millet
      • Hops
      • Amaranth

      Legumes and Pulses

      • Field pea
      • Lima bean
      • Broad bean
      • Scarlet runner bean
      • Kidney bean
      • Fermented black bean
      • Black bean
      • Houmous


      • Mushroom
      • Potato
      • Capsicum-green
      • Turnip
      • Spinach
      • Artichoke
      • Cauliflower
      • Watercress
      • Garlic
      • Cabbage
      • Head lettuce
      • Cress
      • Carrots
      • Olives-black
      • Radish
      • Swede
      • Tomato
      • Onion
      • Escarole lettuce
      • Rocket
      • Chicory lettuce
      • Portobello mushroom
      • Endive
      • Fennel
      • Beansprout
      • Kohl rabi
      • Yams
      • Plantain
      • Butternut squash
      • Broccoli
      • Zucchini


      • Plum
      • Cranberry
      • Quince
      • Apple
      • Prune
      • Banana
      • Pear
      • Blackberry
      • Date
      • Strawberry
      • Fig
      • Pomegranate
      • Raspberry
      • Cherry
      • Orange
      • Peach
      • Raisin
      • Gooseberry
      • Honeydew melon
      • Water melon
      • Grapes-green
      • Lemon
      • Pineapple
      • Apples-Granny Smith
      • Apples-Jazz
      • Galia melon
      • Guava
      • Carambola
      • Lychee
      • Nectarines
      • Cantaloupe melon
      • Goji berry
      • Grapes-black


      • Cider
      • White wine
      • Tea-black
      • Soya milk
      • Red wine
      • Lager
      • Cola
      • Coffee-black
      • Ale

      Nuts and Seeds

      • Hazelnut
      • Chestnut
      • Coconut
      • Almond
      • Brazil nut
      • Walnut
      • Peanut
      • Poppy seed
      • Pumpkin seed
      • Sesame seed
      • Water chestnut
      • Hemp seed
      • Sunflower seed

      Herbs and Spices

      • Ginger
      • Nutmeg
      • Paprika
      • Sage
      • Salt
      • Mustard


      • Monosodium glutamate
      • Milk chocolate
      • Potato chips
      • Vinegar-clear
    • We test for the following items

      Organic compounds

      • Nicotinic acid
      • Nucleic acid
      • Oxalic acid
      • Salicylic acid
      • Omega 3
      • Alpha lipoic acid
      • Ascorbic acid
      • Docosahexaenoic acid
      • Eicosapentaenoic acid
      • Ellagic acid
      • Gallic acid
      • Lignans
      • Lutein
      • Lycopene
      • Mallic acid
      • Omega 6
      • Pyridoxine
      • Zeaxanthin
      • Folate
      • Saponins


      • Cotton
      • Synthetic materials
      • Wool


      • Maple
      • Apple tree
      • Pear tree
      • Oak
      • Alder
      • Ash
      • Aspen
      • Laburnum
      • Hornbeam
      • Horse chestnut
      • Pine
      • Cherry tree
      • Larch
      • European lime
      • Misteltoe
      • Poplar
      • Plane tree
      • European beech
      • Walnut
      • Betula verrico
      • Japanese cedar
      • Japanese millet
      • Linden tree

      Grasses and Herbs

      • Mugwort
      • Stinging nettle
      • Wild oat
      • Buttercup
      • Velvet grass
      • Tansy ragwort
      • Orchard grass or cocksfoot grass
      • Dandelion
      • Maize
      • Qack grass or couch grass
      • Perennial ryegrass
      • Sweet vernal grass
      • Dock
      • Red fescue
      • Ribwort
      • Wormwood
      • Tall oat grass
      • Kentucky bluegrass
      • Meadow fescue


      • Blackberry
      • Strawberry
      • Hazel
      • Privet
      • Willow
      • Mangrove


      • Anisakis
      • Horse bot fly
      • Pigeon droppings

      Flowering Plants

      • Aster
      • Chrysanthemum
      • Dahlia
      • Wallflower
      • Scotch heather
      • Hyacinth
      • Clover
      • Lupine
      • Marguerite
      • Narcissus
      • New Belgian Aster
      • Tulip
      • Fireweed/Great willow herb
      • Mulberry


      • Mosquito
    • We test for the following items


      • Gelatin
      • Maple
      • Sugar
      • Molasses
      • E 1105
      • E 1200
      • E 1201
      • E 1202
      • E 1404
      • E 1410
      • E 1412
      • E 1413
      • E 1414
      • E 1420
      • E 1422
      • E 1440
      • E 1442
      • E 1450
      • E 1505
      • E 1518


      • E 301
      • E 302
      • E 304
      • E 306
      • E 307
      • E 308
      • E 309
      • E 310
      • E 311
      • E 312
      • E 315
      • E 316
      • E 320


      • E 100
      • E 101
      • E 102
      • E 104
      • E 110
      • E 120
      • E 122
      • E 123
      • E 124
      • E 127
      • E 128
      • E 129
      • E 131
      • E 132
      • E 133
      • E 140
      • E 141
      • E 142
      • E 150 a
      • E 150 b


      • E 200
      • E 202
      • E 203
      • E 210
      • E 211
      • E 212
      • E 213
      • E 214
      • E 215
      • E 216
      • E 217


      • E 432
      • E 433
      • E 434
      • E 435
      • E 436
      • E 440
      • E 442
      • E 444
      • E 445
      • E 450
      • E 451
      • E 452
      • E 460
      • E 461
      • E 463
      • E 464
      • E 465
      • E 466
      • E 470 a
      • E 470 b
      • E 471

      Flavour enhancers

      • E 620
      • E 621
      • E 622
      • E 623
      • E 624
      • E 625
      • E 626
      • E 627
      • E 628
      • E 629
      • E 630
      • E 631
      • E 632
      • E 633
      • E 634
      • E 635
      • E 640
      • E 900
      • E 901
      • E 902
      • E 903
      • E 904
      • E 912
      • E 914
      • E 927
      • E 938
    • We test for the following items
      • Aluminium (Al)
      • Argon (A)
      • Barium (Ba)
      • Caesium (Cs)
      • Cerium (Ce)
      • Chromium (Cr)
      • Copper (Cu)
      • Fluorine (F)
      • Gallium (Ga)
      • Gold (Au)
      • Holmium (Ho)
      • Iridium (Ir)
      • Lithium (Li)
      • Mercury (Hg)
      • Nickel (Ni)
      • Platinum (Pt)
      • Rhenium (Re)
      • Rubidium (Rb)
      • Samarium (Sm)
      • Sulphur (S)
      • Selenium (Se)
      • Silver (Ag)
      • Vanadium (V)
      • Bismuth (Bi)
      • Tin (Sn)
      • Zirconium (Zr)
    • We test for the following items
      • Vit. C
      • Vit. E
    • We test for the following items


      • Calcium
      • Chromium
      • Iron
      • Manganese
      • Sodium
      • Copper
      • Silica
      • Phosphorus

      Phyto- and other nutrients

      • Allium
      • Beta-carotene
      • Bio-flavonoids
      • Genistein
      • Inositol

ISO Accredited

98% Customer Satisfaction

Fast Results

Backed by a Medical Advisory Board

How does it work?

Activate your test online

Order your test online and activate it using the unique redemption number provided in your activation email.

Take your sample at home

Take your hair sample using our easy to follow instructions.

Send your sample to our laboratory

Package and send your sample to our fully accredited laboratory using the address within your activation email. Be sure to include the correct postage where applicable.

Receive your results

You will be notified by email as soon as your results are ready, within 3-5 working days from the laboratory receiving your sample. (48 hours if you’ve upgrade to our ‘fast tracked’ service.)

Activate your test online
Take your sample at home
Send your sample to our laboratory
Receive your results

What you receive after testing

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Detailed report with your intolerance ratings

Upon completion of the sample testing, you are provided with a comprehensive intolerance report, offering detailed insights and analysis of your individual intolerances.

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Free elimination diet guide

Unlock the path to optimal well-being with our complimentary guide, designed to help you navigate the world of elimination diets effortlessly.

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Free food reintroduction diary

Accelerate your re-introduction phase with our free and convenient diary template, designed to help you document and analyse your food experiences with ease.

Approved by registered doctors and nutritionists


Our FAQs for Essentials Food Sensitivity Test

Bioresonance therapy is one of a number of procedures including homeopathy, acupuncture and other naturopathic procedures within the area of empirical healing.

Bioresonance therapy was invented in Germany in 1977 by Franz Morell and his son-in-law, engineer Erich Rasche. 

The concept of bioresonance is that the machine’s electromagnetic waves create a resonance in our body’s cells which, in turn, brings about the desired effects.

BioResonance is a safe and gentle, non-invasive alternative therapeutic technique designed on the premise that all particles of matter generate electromagnetic energy.

No they are not painful at all.

This will not have any effect on the results.

You do not have to cut hair, it can be pulled out from the root. 

Optimum nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding is vital for mother and child. To reduce any possible risk to the mother or baby, it is our protocol not to offer tests, advice or lifestyle changes during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding.