Complaints Procedure
Check My Body Health aims to provide a high quality service which meets our customers’ needs and wants in every way possible. We believe we achieve this most of the time but if we are not getting it right please let us know. As our customer you have every right to complain to us if something hasn’t met your expectations.
In order to ensure our services remain at a high and improving standard, we have a complaints procedure through which you can let us know if for any reason you are not satisfied with your dealings with our company. If you are unhappy about any of Check My Body Health’s services, please speak to the relevant staff member, or manager. If you are unhappy with an individual in Check My Body Health, sometimes it is best to tell them directly however if you feel this is difficult or inappropriate then please request to speak to the staff member’s manager.
Our complaints process is accessible to all, including vulnerable customers and those with special needs or requirements. If you want to go forward in placing your complaint please contact us at
Often we will be able to give you a response straight away. When the matter is more complicated we will give you at least an initial response within the working days. Please be advised we do not work weekends and any complaints that come in throughout the weekend will be replied to promptly on the following Monday. The aim is to investigate your complaint properly and give you a resolution within 5 working days, setting out how the problem will be dealt with. If this is not possible, an interim response will be made informing you of the action taken to date or being considered.
If you haven’t received a response or resolution within the 5 working days disclosed please send a follow up email, or contact us directly via our telephone number +61 2 5701 2315.
If it has been longer than 8 weeks and we still haven’t resolved your complaint then you can pass this onto the Ombudsman. Please see there website here
Please be aware before you pass your complaint onto the ombudsman there is a few things you must have done before they will take on your complaint:
- Logged a formal complaint with us, your provider
- Worked with us to resolve the complaint
- Received a deadlock letter or not received a satisfactory resolution after 8 weeks
- Gather any evidence you have.
Finally, please also let us know if you are happy with Check My Body Health’s services.